c-pro nano RACK and c-pro micro RACK are two new innovative, flexible, modular families of programmable controllers, able to cover all
application needs of all modern single circuit compressors packs up to 2 compressors.The characteristics of the controllers c-pro nano and micro
RACK (small size, availability of I/O, price, etc.) allow for the first time the use of programmable devices also in low complexity units as single circuit compressors packs with 2 compressors, where up to yesterday it was possible to use only rigid parametric controllers. Controllers are easy to install: panel mounting for c-pro nano, inside an electrical panel for c-pro micro (on DIN rail). Through the programming key EVKEY it is possible to upload/download the parameters; it is also possible connect the controllers to the plants monitoring and supervision system RICS. Among the several control and regulating functions one highlights:
• predefined I/O configuration selectable with a single parameter
• compressors throttling management (up to 2 throttling valves per compressor)
• management of different power compressors
• capability to control compressors and fans by inverter
• condenser pressure regulation by condenser fans management
• refrigerating power throttling for high pressures
• suction line load leak compensation
• floating condensing.
technical data
frontal protection: IP65 for c-pro nano RACK, IP40 for c-pro micro RACK
power supply: 12 VAC/DC, 50/60 Hz, 6 VA
working range: from -40 to 100 °C for NTC probe
communication ports: 1 serial port for the plants monitoring and supervision system RICS or in alternative for the programming key EVKEY
1 connecting port for the remote user interface.